Museum Overview

The Marblehead Historical Commission and the Town maintain multiple museums and displays within Abbot Hall.  From now until Oct. 28, visit our special exhibit, Mapping Marblehead, the Nineteenth Century, in the Old Town House.   Maps from the Mapping Marblehead exhibit as well as a previous exhibit, Mapping Marblehead from Founding to Freedom, are available online. There are also many museums nearby that are maintained by other organizations and are well worth visiting.

Abbot Hall’s Museums and Displays:

  • Display cases on the first floor, auditorium and basement present objects and information about Marblehead’s history
  • The first floor Maritime Museum details Marblehead’s naval history, including
    • Why Marblehead is the Birthplace of the American Navy
    • General John Glover’s regiment and their famous role in getting Washington and the Army across the Delaware River
    • The 1997 visit of the USS Constitution to Marblehead – the last time the Constitution sailed under her own power
    • Marblehead’s naval heroes and the US Navy ships named for them
    • The three USS Marbleheads – civil war gunboat, Spanish American war cruiser and WWII light cruiser
    • Marblehead’s role in the development of aviation and its status as the birthplace of US Marine Corp aviation
  • The lower level Sign Museum which chronicles the commercial and public history of Marblehead in the 19th and 20th centuries through a collection of over 75 signs.  You’ll also find a map of sign locations and short videos about several of the signs.
  • Selectmen’s Room, containing the famous “Spirit of 76” painting, Marblehead’s original 1684 Deed, as well as many other paintings and other objects of interest
  • Many works of art are on display in the Selectmen’s Room, first floor hallway and auditorium, as well as several of the offices
  • Additional works of art owned by the Town are in Abbot Library and the Mary Alley Office Building. These are documented in the booklet “The Town of Marblehead Artwork“, which can be accessed on-line by clicking on the title of the booklet.
  • The Historical Commission Gift Shop is on the first floor, containing items related to Marblehead as well as displays of Marblehead Pottery and Marblehead duck decoys

Mapping Marblehead – Explore the Maps Online Exhibit
Explore interactive maps or examine historic maps of Marblehead that were presented in our Mapping Marblehead series of exhibits.  Learn more…

Other Museums
Marblehead and surrounding areas have many other museums with collections related to Marblehead. See the “Other Museums” page.


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